DC Blockchain Summit 2024

DC Blockchain Summit 2024

Washington DC
15 May

DC Blockchain Summit 2024 will take place in Washington DC, the US capital, where businesses and lawmakers meet in one venue and discuss pressing topics regarding blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital ecosystems.

On May 15, the event will gather leading financial and innovative firms, such as Deloitte, Binance and Cryptio, besides governmental agencies’ representatives from the SEC, the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the US Department of Treasury.

The event discusses the recent regulatory frameworks and updates regarding crypto assets and stablecoins and their influence on the US economy. Speakers and attendees are expected to share their stance on blockchain development and its role in maintaining the nation’s leadership and competitiveness in the decentralised world.

The Summit represents an opportunity for crypto companies, exchanges and brokerage firms to keep track of the latest laws regarding digital assets and the future industrial trends.

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